Your place of residence: Odesa?
The availability of analyzes depends on the selected city

Analyzes and prices

List of analyses

List of analyses

The cost of analyzes is indicated without taking into account the collection of biological material

The name of the analysis Standard Term
  • Price:

    735 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    735 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    735 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    735 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    1155 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    3050 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    2250 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    1500 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    870 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    870 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    870 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    2310 uah

To Cart
  • 9 days

  • Price:

    870 uah

To Cart
  • 10 days

  • Price:

    870 uah

To Cart
  • 10 days

  • Price:

    870 uah

To Cart
  • 10 days

Page №15 Show more

Independent Medical Laboratory Smartlab 

The leader in laboratory diagnostics in the South of Ukraine

We operate under new standards of service, quality, and accessibility in laboratory and medical-diagnostic services, caring for the health of the Ukrainian nation.

All tests are performed in our own "SmartLab" laboratory in Odessa (5a Academician Vorobyov Str. and 11 Artilleriyska St.,) and in Mykolaiv (29-г Pogranichna Str.). 

The laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment from leading global manufacturers (Abbott, Siemens, Beckman Coulter).

ISO 9001 and ISO 15189

A wide range of tests is performed in the shortest terms:

  • General clinical tests: blood, urine, microscopic and cytological tests
  • Spermogram
  • Biochemical tests: anemias, diabetes diagnostics, etc.
  • Pregnancy diagnostics and fetal development defects
  • Tumor markers
  • Allergy diagnostics: respiratory allergens, food allergens, mixed allergens
  • Urogenital infections diagnostics: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • TORCH infections, parasitosis, tuberculosis, HIV, diagnostics, etc.
  • Viral hepatitis diagnostics
  • Bacteriological tests.
Competitive Advantages:
  • Laboratory departments are placed within walking distance in every district of Odessa and Odessa region, Mykolaiv, Kherson and Kropivnytskiy
  • Convenient time: most departments open from 7:00 am, 7 days a week
  • CITO tests - within 3 hours (blood tests in 30 min.) in Odessa (5a Academician Vorobyov Str. and 11 Artilleriyska Str.,) and in Mykolaiv (29-г Pogranichna Str.)
  • Short terms – 90% of laboratory tests are done by 23:59 the same day
  • Blood draw from newborns and premature babies
  • Discount System: up to 20% by Loyalty Program, up to 15% by Discount Accumulation Program, up to 10% by Social Program
  • Home visits by nurses for blood tests and ECG
  • Additional medical services (IV, IM, and SC injections), ultrasound, ECG, doctors` consultations, physiotherapy
  • Biomaterial storage bank from 2 weeks to a month with the possibility of reordering necessary tests without re-drawing
  • Using disposable certified closed blood collection systems that prevent contact of biomaterial with the external environment
  • Ability to receive test results via e-mail or a personal account on the website; SMS notification as soon as results are ready
  • Any volunteer (either doctor or patient) can take a tour of the "SmartLab" laboratory
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